It is also a science and art of the ultimate reasons and principle of things. Hokkaido's population rapidly grew from just a few thousand to the six million people who live there today (Credit: Alamy). And, in fact, there was a famous debate regarding these two points of view that occurred in the second century bce , between King Menander, a Greek who ruled northwestern India, and a Buddhist monk Nagasena. Hokkaido is no longer a frontier, but its history has left its inhabitants with some unique traits (Credit: Alamy). This refers to the popular understanding that eastern philosophy specificallyChinese philosophy addresses the whole of human existence while western philosophy beginning with the Greeks only focuses on certain aspects of the human condition. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. East vs. west - The concept of "east" lumps many different cultures together that blur vast differences. Western children are much more independent than their eastern counterparts. They further discuss that lasting rewards come to one who considers virtue before possessions of the world. There are in fact many ideas that are evolving around western civilization such as form of governments, methods of scientific inquiry, religions, and languages just to name a few. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is fragmentary while eastern philosophy is holistic. Write top five (5) differences between Western and Eastern society, culture, and (Read more at:, Your email address will not be published. Explore the similarities and differences between how Western and Eastern Worlds perceive God. And to have a better and shared prosperous future, all cultures must work together to improve the future for everyone. Europeans then became "rational, virtuous, mature, [and] normal" (40), and the line between the two parts of the world was set; Europe (or the West) as the strong one and Asia (or the East) as the weak one (57). The obvious explanation would be that they simply reflect the prevailing philosophies that have come to prominence in each region over time. In line with this theory, recent psychological studies have shown that the states at the edge of the frontier (such as Montana) tend to score higher on measures of individualism. These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. The ideas presented by Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, and those by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, are similar and discuss same basic concepts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The works of both these men deal with what is good and what is the right way to understand ones existence. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. This is why it is important for all of us to have an understanding of why certain people may act or think a certain way, because cultural misunderstanding can be devastating not only to business but also to the way of life in general. The infant cries to let an adult know that it must be fed, and the child verbalizes that same need in words or deeds, such as saying, I am hungry, or going to get something to eat. Her travel writing debuts in Timeless Travels Magazine. But perhaps the most surprising theory comes from the farmyard. In 2008, Corey Fincher (now at the University of Warwick) and colleagues analysed global epidemiological data to show a regions score of individualism and collectivism appear to correlate with disease prevalence: the more likely you are to get infection, the more collectivist you are, and the less individualistic. And so the Japanese government had largely left it to the indigenous Ainu people, who survived through hunting and fishing. Do you want to watch the complete discussion for Understanding the Self. An example could be that individuals are free to make their own decisions on who to marry and where to marry, such as getting married in a church. Accordingly, the proposed concept "religious self" can be defined as an awareness of the one's own existence in relation to God,in which the awareness of the relationship will be the critical . In contrast it could be said that these days western younger generation are savvier with their savings as well. in Western and Self-actualization is the motive or drive to realize one's full potential while self-realization is the process of fully realizing one's personality. American agriculturists such as William S Clark helped tame Hokkaido. I agree with the differentiation between West and East because every place has its The empiricist argument that there is a lack of evidence for innate knowledge cannot be supported by empirical facts; a person must be aware that they should pursue something before they can pursue it. Both of these philosophers have exerted an enormous influence through their works, and both argue for the existence of innate knowledge; that human beings are born knowing right from wrong, and good from bad, and need only be encouraged to pursue goodness in order to live a fulfilling life. Exploring a different culture is one of the most rewarding activities anyone can throw themselves into. Concerning east vs west cultural differences, it seems that it is in the west the individual is very happy and able to voice their personal feelings and that those feelings are most important when making decisions. Humans are unique in their ability to adapt to their environments - allowing us to build lives from the North Pole to the Sahara Desert. And this thinking style also extends to the way we categorise inanimate objects. In the east it is usual practice to throw staff or people into a challenging and unknown situation with no prior notice. Many brands promote Chinese traditional images and fashion in order to please Chinese consumers. East vs west differences and similarities are seen prominently when it comes to children. The rough idea is that collectivism, characterised by greater conformity and deference to others, may make people more conscientious about avoiding the behaviours that could spread disease. It can even change the way that you see. Yet the rapid migration to its northern territory resembles the rush to settle Americas Wild West; the Emperor Meijis government even employed agriculturists from the US, like Horace Capron, to help cultivate the land. Working with scientists in China, Talhelm tested more than 1,000 students in various rice- and wheat-growing regions, using measures such as the triad test of holistic thinking. Various scholars and institutions of higher learning have maintained arbitrary divisions in the eastern and western philosophy. And yet psychologists are finding that the frontier spirit still touches the way they think, feel and reason, compared with people living in Honshu just 54km (33 miles) away. In modern times, the younger Gen Z are spending more and saving less. By the new millennium, it numbered nearly six million. Retrieved from Whereas, if we talk about good culture, beliefs, customs, the eastern part of the world overpowers the western one. The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. A similarity between east vs west cultural is that they both put a focus on innovation to keep economies thriving and competitive in the global marketplace. Wonhyo would agree with that since he believed that everything was One and all of the experiences a person has in life are just a part of the One Experience of being a human being. It becomes a Bureaucratic nightmare to manage the flow and institutional organisation needed for such a large quantity of people. This chapter first examines the fact that the cultural differences between Western individualism and East Asian collectivism have . Western culture in general has a foundation of Christianity; Judaism, Catholicism, Protestant, and Islam in its various forms whereas many cultures in the east have a foundation of Hinduism, Jainism, Shenism, Taoism, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. Cite your sources. discussing to his/her own family, Elderly person's welfare becomes the Although there are an increasing number of consumer products to spend on. to struggle and hard work, Arrange marriages are not common Arrange marriages are common, Sources: In fact, when comparing countries, this cognitive profile is closer to America than the rest of Japan. Before Emperor Meiji decided to populate the island, the only people to live in Hokkaido were the indigenous Ainu (Credit: Getty Images). And it may be more favourable to manage people in a more systemic, organised and less personal way. American agriculturists like Capron had been roped in to advise the new settlers on the best ways to farm the land, and within 70 years the population blossomed from a few thousand to more than two million. Americans tend to draw themselves very large, Talhelm says. Let's consider our earlier scenario and the congratulations offered by a . minded and critical, A person is more free and flexible to This extends to overtime. Eastern culture's belief that a person's idenitty is derived fromhis or her social group. The popular writer Sankara Saranam, author of the book God Without Religion . So some of the east vs west differences I found whilst spending time in China, its clear that collectivism is at the forefront of the national psyche. Both philosophers are involved in the pursuit of same ideas hence it is necessary to state that there is no philosophy for eastern or western but rather there is only one philosophy. Wangs and Platos philosophies have been attacked by empiricists for a lack of evidence, but what these two philosophers are contending makes sense on a very basic level: one must know what is good in order to pursue what is good, and this knowledge of the good must be innate in order for people to have the desire to pursue it in the first place. Its important to emphasise that these are just broad trends across vast numbers of people; there will have been a spectrum within each population studied. Similarities. Eastern culture focuses more on purification of soul and the life here after. However, in Eastern philosophy, the self is often treated as an illusion. The similarities of, the Philippines from its Asian neighbors are its geographical feature, culture--bayanihan, spirit and the gestures we use us a sign of respect, sipa the native sport similar to speak, takraw that is played through Asian countries and the cockfighting which is the past time, practiced in neighboring nations. Whereas in the east, children are made to study hard to improve themselves. Bibliography This illusion becomes apparent during meditation when the practitioner recognizes that there . Western ideas on how the self is constructed and how it relates to perception and experience are examined, and Western and Eastern concepts . This article is the first part ofThe Human Planet, a new series in which BBC Future uses cutting-edge science to explore our extraordinary diversity. In the western religion, the concepts employed are found within the Bible while the eastern religion's concepts are found in the Vedic concepts which apply to Hinduism, Buddhism, Jains, and Sikhs. In Plato's Meno, Socrates praises a slave who knows geometry although he has never been taught it. World History Encyclopedia. As an important feature of manufacturing development, agglomeration also plays a substantial role the promotion of technological progress and green transformation. Mark, E. (2016, January 17). The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Although there are investments and subsidies for universities and research and development centres, it is unclear as to how implement that technology for the long term. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Collectivism - individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual. 10. Especially with the onslaught of ecommerce, advertising, and economic boom in Asia. Specifically, the study asks whether Middle Eastern students' predictions regarding future performance rectify prior self-serving inflated assessment, thereby . culture-and-people. Not only does the evid. The Korean philosopherWonhyo(617-686 CE) wrote, Thinking makes good and bad meaning that if you think something is bad then it is bad to you. The population in Western countries is more liberal than those in the East. Both men believed that virtue was the highest goal one could strive for and that lasting rewards came to a person who put virtue above worldly possessions. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. In his dialogue ofPhaedrus, Plato poses the question, What is good, and what is not good? Comparison of Western and Eastern Concepts of Self Western Eastern Duality- you are distinct from other persons Other persons are part of your self Talk about their personal attributes Talk about their social roles Highlights personal achievements Keeps a low profile and avoid boastfulness Individualistic- focus on the person Collectivistic . The differences between the concepts of Wang and Plato are only cosmetic and linguistic. The similarities between the two are greater than any differences as cited by scholars in the modern times. Emily Mark studied history and philosophy at Tianjin University, China and English at SUNY New Paltz, NY. For example, in the west it is common for people to accept traditional ways of thinking and to act in accordance with those value. And that the West struggles to innovate and compete. And therefore, this may go some way into explaining the vast Bureaucracy that is prominent in many easter cultures and countries. There are more than a dozen different words for "I . Whereas if you are thinking holistically, you would think other things might be going on between those people: maybe the big guy is the boss or the father, explains Henrich. In PlatosMeno, Socrates praises a slave who knows geometry although he has never been taught it. Doctoral student in the counseling psychology program. Both Buddhism and Christianity want to treat other the way they want to be treated, but according to class discussion Jesus is the way to salvation (Christianity). The first illustration is the focus on Confucius and Aristotle, the eastern and western philosophers respectively. The special cultural, political and economic characteristics of "the West" are, however, not universally agreed upon, nor are its geographical limits and stereotypes of the West mask the cultural, physical and historical differences within this vast and varied region., Those who live in the West have different ideas of what the West is depending on where they are in the world. The culture in the east is to focus the family and the importance of the family on the children. Wolter: In Search of the Self: Eastern versus Western Perspectives Published by DigitalCommons@Kennesaw State University, 2012. creatures have at their core a sense of play, . There is no difference in their fundamental ideas. Eastern Thoughts. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. To confirm the voluntary settlement theory, however, psychologists would want to examine a second, independent, case study as a counterpoint. Another (counterintuitive) idea is that the contrasting mind-sets are an evolved response to germs. Tap here to review the details. Western Concept of Self. Wang and Plato both agree that what prevents a person from acting on what they know is selfish desires which confuse people and make them choose to act badly even when they know they should not. Media use, in particular, tended to be the biggest predictor of the shift. Close relationships play a big part in the fabric of Chinese society and can be the difference between going up or down the ladder and even out of the group. There is no 'eastern' or 'western' philosophy; there is only philosophy. 2011 Western Saharan protests and United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories have 4 things in common (in Unionpedia): Morocco, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Self-determination, Western Sahara. In Eastern culture, the "self" is the dynamic center of awareness, emotion, and judgment. People in more collectivist societies tend to be more holistic in the way they think about problems, focusing more on the relationships and the context of the situation at hand, while people in individualistic societies tend to focus on separate elements, and to consider situations as fixed and unchanging. Differentiating West from East. Another good example of illustration is the writings by Wonhyo, the Korean philosopher, and Epictetus, the Greek philosopher. The participants were also asked to take a social reasoning test, which asked them to discuss a baseball player using performance-enhancing drugs. We need you to be detailed. It tended to be more important than schooling in explaining that shift.. Similarly with many European health institutions, care is subsidised by the taxpayer under the government funder health care system, allowing for anyone to get low cost and free health care. Psychologists are uncovering the surprising influence of geography on our reasoning, behaviour, and sense of self. The philosophers state that all human beings are born with the ability to differentiate right from wrong and bad from good. It is now seven years since Henrich published his paper outlining the Weird bias, and the response has been positive. The criticism that Mo-Ti and Plato aim at different ends, mentioned above, is untenable in that both philosophers make clear that one must concentrate on the improvement of the self before one tries to improve others. True "Me" is given and doesn't the differences in their answers, and the similarities. The Korean philosopher Wonhyo (l. 617-686 CE) wrote, "Thinking makes good and bad" meaning that if you think something is 'bad' then it is bad to you. Well, of course, western culture is more dominating, new, and efficient in terms of politics, culture, education, society, and a good lifestyle, than the Eastern Cultures. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Sure enough, Shinobu Kitayama at the University of Michigan has found that people in Hokkaido tend to place a higher value on independence and personal achievement and emotions such as pride than Japanese people from other islands, and they were less concerned about the views of others. When asked about their competence, for instance, 94% of American professors claimed they were better than average. Having worked in China and Asia for many years, its clear that we all value improving our lives and families lives. This is known as the triad test, and people in the West might pick bus and train because they are both types of vehicles. all self-knowledge integrated into. Nearly 70% were American, and most were undergraduate students hoping to gain pocket money or course credits by giving up their time to take part in these experiments. Consider the USA, the most individualistic of all Western countries. Following the middle path is the way to enlightenment (Buddhism). While the Christians think that following Jesus is only to achieve salvation and that, The question that is being asked here is what is the West? s elf-concept. Intriguingly, this distinction could also be seen in childrens drawings from Japan and Canada, suggesting that the different ways of seeing emerge at a very young age. Overall western philosophy conceived that self exists, though there are manifold observations. The holistic, collectivist views of Eastern society explain why Easterners are not as direct when communicating, leaving more open space to interpretation. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Wangs theory of intuition could be compared to one of the most basic of human needs: eating. autonomous entity; it is an part of the universe and the. And usually is something staff are less willingly to do. Whether good or bad. Although it could be said that there is a stronger revival in China of Asian history and a renewed respect and interest in Asian history. In the East, there is a non-dualistic conception of the self where there is no distinction between creation and creator, and Man and the self is viewed as being part of a cosmic drama acted out by the divine creator. (Enchiridion, I:v) Epictetus says that one should not even fear death because one does not know whether death is a good or a bad thing. And this can be divided into six branches that have various importance over time. The best example, however, of the fundamental sameness of eastern and western thought is epitomized in the works of two of the best-known philosophers from their respective hemispheres: Plato (428-348 BCE) of the west and Wang Yangming (1472-1529 CE) of the east. But it is not considered above the communities needs. Mo-Ti, some claim, aims at a holistic understanding of one's self and one's surroundings while a western philosopher like Plato emphasizes specific goals one should strive for in discovering what is true and real in life. In such circumstances, it is very difficult to control and manage the expectations and the individual. In China Relationships are a very important part of doing business with other companies as well as within a specific company. Meaning that people try to respect their cultural histories. Its the one with the most social credit. While visiting Beijing in the north, he found that strangers would be much more forthcoming If I was eating alone people would come up and talk to me whereas those in the southern city of Guangzhou tended to be more reticent and fearful of offending. People living in individualistic societies may also put more emphasis on personal choice and freedom. His mentor, Socrates (the main character in Phaedrus, as in the majority of Plato's works) asks this question of his comrade Phaedrus regarding the quality of writing. Answer: The similarities between eastern and western philosophy are greater than any differences cited by modern-day writers and lecturers on the topic. He found that within one generation, the children of immigrants had started to adopt some elements of the more individualistic outlook, and less holistic cognitive styles. As a simple example, imagine that you see a picture of someone tall intimidating someone smaller. Could these differences translate to a more collectivist or individualistic mindset? The Eastern and Western religions both have some things in common as well as some things they can vary. Larger than Life status of leaders: In the eastern cultures, the leader assumes supreme status. Tech hubs have been setup in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chengdu, etc and Wanhyo states that Thinking makes good and bad. He implies that if you think something is good then it is good for you and vice versa. Last modified January 17, 2016. Suppose you are asked to name the two related items in a list of words such as train, bus, track. Whereas in the west the holidays are a very important part of the employee, employer relationship. Self-dedication to the goal (success, happiness, etc.) Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on concepts of unity. In 2010, an influential article in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences reported that the vast majority of psychological subjects had been western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic, or Weird for short. Understanding the self - lecture 4 HAND-OUT, Understanding the Self Chapter I - Lesson 1, Understanding the self lecture 1 - PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES, Understanding the self - lecture 3 HAND-OUT, The Self in the Western and Eastern Thougghts, Understanding the Self: Psychological Perspectives, Understanding the Self: Philosophical Perspectives, Cognition & Development: Conceptualisations of Self and Identity, Nourishing positive self with emotional strength, Personal Development - Developing the Whole Person, Understanding the self in philosophical perspective, Confucianism and Hinduism Approach in Counseling, Understanding Human's Existence and the Valuing Process, Juan Paolo Somorostro - Aranas, MPA, BSOSM, Ancient eastern philosophy by sir M Arsalan, Western and eastern perspective of positive psychology. independent part of the society. most respectable person, Western Education focuses on Plato uses this slave boy as an example of innate knowledge to show that people already know innately what they think of as being taught and that this goes for knowledge of goodness as well as anything else. Further, they argue, humans must recognize what is not good in order to reject it, and therefore do not need to be taught goodness but only be directed or educated to act on their innate knowledge of the good. Whereas in the West culturally people are confused about western history. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. A Bureaucratic nightmare to manage people in a list of words such as William s Clark helped tame.! Usual practice to throw staff or people into a challenging and unknown situation with no prior.... My name, email, and Epictetus, the study asks whether Middle eastern students & x27. A group and the individual you are asked to take a social test... Than life status of leaders: in the eastern cultures, the Korean philosopher, and.. Value improving our lives and families lives this extends to overtime watch the complete discussion for Understanding the is! 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